¿Cómo desactivar Cisco AnyConnect?

Seleccione Cisco AnyConnect Services y haga clic en Deshabilitar. Cierre el cuadro de diálogo Administrador de tareas. En el cuadro de diálogo Configuración del sistema, seleccione la pestaña Servicios. Deseleccione los Servicios Cisco AnyConnect para deshabilitarlo.

¿Cómo desconectar Cisco?

Desconectar VPN – Ir a «Inicio» -> «Todos los programas» -> «Cisco»-> «Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client»-> «Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client».

¿Cómo conectarse a una VPN Cisco?

Conectar vpn

  1. – Ir a «Inicio» -> «Todos los programas» -> «Cisco»-> «Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client». Presione sobre el ícono de Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.
  2. – Agregue el servidor de la conexión «ra.uc.cl» y presione «Connect». Tome como referencia la imagen siguiente.
  3. – Autenticación de la VPN.
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How do I enable the AnyConnect webscurity module in ASA?

When you connect to Anyconnect VPN, ASA will push the Anyconnect webscurity module through VPN as shown in the image. If you are already logged in, its recommended to log off and then log in back for the functionality to be enabled.

How to configure AnyConnect VPN client profiles?

Edit Anyconnect VPN group policy > Client Profiles to Download > Add, now choose the created Profile (as in Step 1) Click OK and apply the changes. When you connect to Anyconnect VPN, ASA will push the Anyconnect webscurity module through VPN as shown in the image.

How to update AnyConnect to the latest version?

Step 1. Upload the latest Anyconnect package 4.2 to flash and replace 4.1 with latest file. Under Anyconnect Client Software > Replace, and then choose the recent image file. Step 2. When you re-connect to Anyconnect VPN, ASA will push the latest Anyconnect module through VPN with no alterations to the web security profile.

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What are the requirements to deploy AnyConnect on cisco adaptive security appliances?

This document describes the deploying of AnyConnect web security module for client based VPN terminating on Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA). There are no specific requirements for this document. This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.