Que funcion tiene SmartThings?

¿Qué función tiene SmartThings?

La aplicación SmartThings le permitirá buscar dispositivos o agregarlos por marca o categoría, por lo que agregar dispositivos es simple, por lo general, lo invita a iniciar sesión en el servicio que desea vincular y otorgar permiso para trabajar con SmartThings.

¿Cómo activar el SmartThings?

Cambia SmartThings por Google Home

  1. Activa ‘Mostrar dispositivos y multimedia’.
  2. Ahora pulsa en el nuevo botón que aparece: ‘Dispositivos’.
  3. Por defecto aparece seleccionado SmartThings.
  4. Selecciona ‘Home’ y ya tendrás el control directo de todos los dispositivos que hayas añadido a Google Home.

How can I use Philips Hue hub with SmartThings?

The only officially recommended way to use Hue devices with SmartThings is by using a Hue bridge. (I’m assuming you meant the bridge, since there is no “hue hub” device.) There are several reasons to use the bridge. There will be a number of other integrations available to you which you may want to take advantage of.

Do I need a Hue bridge with SmartThings?

A hue bridge is required. The official Hue integration with smartthings was originally cloud to cloud. Then in order to make it operate locally for those who had a smartthings hub, they shifted over to an LAN integration. Now that the smartthings platform is “hub optional,“ They have offered both paths as a choice.

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Do I need a Hue bridge with a Samsung Hub?

But in all cases, having a hue bridge is the only officially recommended method. So it’s the same answer, you are just asking a slightly different question. I have read in this forum that someone was controling his phillips lights without the hue bridge using only the samsung hub. I have a samsung v3 hub and the old hue bridge.

Does the St hub work with Philips Hue?

It will only work with Philips Hue Lights and accessories. The ST hub is used to integrate and control many types of sensors, lights, and other IoT devices. It can control the Hue lights using the Philips Hue Hub or not.