Como crear familia en iCloud?

¿Cómo crear familia en iCloud?

Invitar a personas a tu familia

  1. Ve a Ajustes.
  2. Pulsa tu nombre y, a continuación, “En familia”.
  3. Pulsa Añadir miembro.
  4. Si un niño no tiene un ID de Apple, pulsa Crear una cuenta para niños. Pero si ya tiene uno, pulsa Invitar a personas.
  5. Sigue las instrucciones que aparecen en pantalla.

¿Cómo compartir en familia iCloud?

Compartir iCloud+ con todos en tu familia

  1. Si todavía no configuraste Compartir en familia, hazlo ahora.
  2. Ve a Configuración > [tu nombre].
  3. Toca Compartir en familia.
  4. Toca Almacenamiento de iCloud.
  5. Sigue los pasos para compartir tu plan actual.

¿Cómo poner Compartir en casa desde el iPhone?

Ve a Configuración > Usuarios y cuentas > Compartir en casa. Selecciona Activar “Compartir en casa”. Inicia sesión con tu Apple ID. Usa el mismo Apple ID para todas las computadoras o dispositivos en la red de Compartir en casa.

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What is Apple Family Sharing?

Family Sharing lets you and up to five other family members share access to amazing Apple services like Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple News+, and Apple Arcade. Your group can also share iTunes, Apple Books, and App Store purchases, an iCloud storage plan, and a family photo album.

How do I Share my purchases with my family on Mac?

On your Mac 1 Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click Family Sharing. 2 Confirm the Apple ID that you want to use for Family Sharing, and make sure that Share My Purchases is selected. 3 Follow the onscreen instructions.

What is family sharing and how does it work?

Family Sharing makes it easy for up to six people in your family to share iTunes, Apple Books, and App Store purchases, an Apple Music family subscription, an Apple News+ subscription, and an iCloud storage plan, without sharing accounts.

How do I Share my Apple ID with a family member?

You can be a part of only one family at a time. If your family member is with you, they can enter their Apple ID password on your device to accept the invitation. You can also send them an invitation, and they can accept from their device. Go to Settings. Tap your name, then tap Family Sharing.