Como usar la palabra Bear?

¿Cómo usar la palabra Bear?

1. Bear, suffer, endure, abide, tolerate, brook, stand, stomach, swallow significan aguantar algo difícil o doloroso. Bear suele indicar el poder de sufrir algo penoso o doloroso sin retroceder o quebrantarse .

¿Cuándo usar bear in mind?

tener en cuenta v I always bear the weather in mind when planning a trip. Siempre tengo en cuenta el clima cuando preparo un viaje.

¿Cómo se dice Bear en pasado simple?

Gramática de «to bear»

Verbo Pasado Participio
bear bore born

¿Qué verbo es Bear en inglés?

¿Qué significa el verbo to beat?

beat [beat|beaten; beat] {verbo} golpear [golpeando|golpeado] {v.t.}

Which is correct bear with me or bare with Me?

So, bear with me or bare with me: which is correct? Well, the long and short of it is that, in its verb form, «bare» means to reveal or uncover. «Reveal with me,» doesn’t quite have the intended meaning of «hold on a moment.» Consequently, «bear with me» is the correct spelling of this common phrase.

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What does “bare with Me” Mean?

Bare with me doesn’t mean what you might think it means! The verb bare means “to reveal” or “to uncover.” The correct expression, “bear with me,” means “be patient with me.”. The speaker asked the audience to bear with her while she searched for the correct graph.

Is it’bear with me’or’bare with Me’?

But when it’s time to put it on paper, it’s hard to know if the correct expression is «bear» with me or «bare» with me. «Bear» and «bare» belong to the tricky class of homophones that have been tripping up English language speakers for centuries.

What does’bear with Me’Mean?

It’s easy enough to say or hear this expression. «Bear with me» simply means to «hold on a moment» or «hang on for a moment.» When spoken, we don’t have to think about the correct spelling. Bear With Me or Bare With Me: Which Is Correct?