Que tipo de enlace es el hidrogeno molecular?

¿Qué tipo de enlace es el hidrógeno molecular?

Veamos algunos casos sencillos: 7 Page 8 En la molécula de hidrógeno, H2, los átomos de hidrógeno que la forman están unidos por un enlace covalente simple. Cada átomo de hidrógeno posee un sólo electrón.

¿Qué es una estructura molecular?

La geometría molecular o estructura molecular se refiere a la disposición tridimensional de los átomos que constituyen una molécula. Determina muchas de las propiedades de las moléculas, reactividad, polaridad, fase, color, magnetismo, actividad biológica, etc.

¿Cuál es la estructura molecular de los compuestos?

La fórmula estructural de un compuesto químico es una representación gráfica de la estructura molecular, que muestra cómo se ordenan o distribuyen espacialmente los átomos. Se muestran los enlaces químicos dentro de la molécula, ya sea explícitamente o implícitamente.

Is CH4 a molecular or ionic compound?

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CH4 is covalent compound because carbon has electronegative value of 2.5 and hydrogen has 2.20 so the difference is not greater even to create polarity so it is not ionic but covalent one. it is non-polar covalent compound……that means it has molecules rather than ions. Originally Answered: Is CH4 a molecular or an ionic compound?

Is C H 4 a covalent compound?

A covalent compound is described as one which is made when two or more nonmetal atoms bond by sharing valence electrons. A covalent bond is the sharing of valence electrons, and both carbon and hydrogen are nonmetals, therefore we may classify C H 4 as a covalent compound.

What is the structure of C H4?

A Methane ( C H 4) molecule is composed of one carbon atom ( C) covalently bonded to four hydrogen atoms ( H ). A covalent compound is described as one which is made when two or more nonmetal atoms bond by sharing valence electrons.

What is an ionic compound composed of?

An ionic compound is composed of ions that are attracted to each other by electrostatic forces. A very simple example of an ionic compound is a positive metal attracted to a negative non-metal. For example, sodium chloride contains a sodium cation and a chloride anion.