¿Qué es la Cordia?

Cordia es un género de arbustos y árboles de la familia de las Boraginaceae. Cerca de 300 especies han sido identificadas cosmopolitamente, sobre todo en regiones templadas. Muchas Cordias tienen fragrancias y hermosas flores, populares en jardines, aunque no son especialmente duraderas.

¿Cuáles son las plantas boraginaceae?

familia Boraginaceae [dicotiledóneas] Características: plantas normalmente herbáceas, con frecuencia cubiertas de pelos más o menos rígidos. Hojas sin estípulas. Flores con 5 sépalos y 5 pétalos soldados, con frecuencia en corola rotácea; solitarias o agrupadas en cimas escorpioideas.

What is a Cordia plant?

Cordia is a genus of flowering plants in the borage family, Boraginaceae. It contains about 300 species of shrubs and trees, that are found worldwide, mostly in warmer regions.

What is the common name for Cordia alliodora?

Cordia alliodora ( Ruiz & Pav.) Oken – Spanish elm, Ecuador laurel, salmwood, bocote ( Neotropics) Cordia curassavica (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult. – Black sage, wild sage Cordia dentata Poir. – White manjack Cordia domestica is treated as a separate species by some sources, and as C. myxa var. domestica by others.

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What is the scientific name of Cordia manjack?

Many of the species are commonly called manjack, while bocote may refer to several Central American species in Spanish. The generic name honours German botanist and pharmacist Valerius Cordus (1515–1544). Like most other Boraginaceae, the majority have trichomes (hairs) on the leaves . The taxonomy of Cordia is complex and controversial.

What is the difference between sebesten Adans and Cordia?

Sebesten Adans. Sebestena Boehm. Cordia is a genus of flowering plants in the borage family, Boraginaceae. It contains about 300 species of shrubs and trees, that are found worldwide, mostly in warmer regions. Many of the species are commonly called manjack, while bocote may refer to several Central American species in Spanish.