Que es la mitocondria para ninos de primaria?

¿Qué es la mitocondria para niños de primaria?

La mitocondria es un orgánulo que forma parte de nuestras células, con una forma ovoidal, que tiene como principal función ser la unidad de producción de energía para las mismas.

¿Qué significa mitocondria en etimologia?

Del griego antiguo μίτος («hilo») y «χονδρίον», diminutivo de «χόνδρος», «grano», por las estructuras alargadas que tienen en su interior y por su pequeño tamaño dentro de la célula.

What exactly does a mitochondria do?

Mitochondria’s primary function is to produce energy through the process of oxidative phosphorylation. Besides this, it is responsible for regulating the metabolic activity of the cell. It also promotes cell multiplication and cell growth. Mitochondria also detox ammonia in the liver cells.

What does the name mitocondria mean?

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The term ‘mitochondrion’ is derived from the Greek words “ mitos ” and “ chondrion ” which means “ thread ” and “ granules-like ”, respectively. It was first described by a German pathologist named Richard Altmann in the year 1890. The diagram of mitochondria below illustrates several structural features of mitochondria.

What is the function of mitocondria?

What Is the Function of the Mitochondrion? A mitochondrion produces energy for a cell. Mitochondria (the plural of mitochondrion) are small organelles found in most nucleated cells, including those of plants, animals and fungi. The primary mechanism by which mitochondria generate energy is through the manufacture of ATP.

What is the main function of mitochondria?

The main function of mitochondria, which are organelles also known as the powerhouse of the cell, is to produce energy. While they’re present in the thousands in each cell of the body, the exact number varies in different cell types. They are responsible for generating 90 percent of the energy that we need for all other functions of the body.