Cual es la raiz de defender?

¿Cuál es la raíz de defender?

El verbo defender viene del latín defendere (rechazar, eludir, prohibir, defender, proteger), verbo compuesto del prefijo de- (separación, privación, alejamiento con idea de descenso) y un inusual verbo fendere (golpear, agredir).

¿Qué significa ser un letrado?

adj. Sabio , docto o instruido .

¿Qué es el ataque y la defensa?

Desde el punto de vista militar puede definirse la ofensiva como la manera de obrar de un [ejército] que ataca al [enemigo], y la defensiva como la actitud en que se coloca el mismo para resistir y rechazar una agresión.

¿Qué es un atacante en el juego?

Un delantero, también llamado atacante, punta, ariete extremo o delantero interior, es un jugador de un equipo de fútbol que se destaca en la posición de ataque, la más cercana a la portería del equipo rival, y es por ello el principal responsable de marcar los goles.

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What does the name defend mean?

[ Law] To deny the right of the plaintiff in regard to (the suit, or the wrong charged); to oppose or resist, as a claim at law; to contest, as a suit. synonyms: To Defend Protect. «As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver it.» [ Is. xxxi. 5.

What do names mean defender?

Alek Greek Meaning: The name Alek is a Greek baby name.

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  • Alexxa Origin of the name Alexa: A short form of Alexandra (defender or helper of mankind),Alexa is also bestowed as an independent given name and is thus derived from
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  • What is defender in football?

    Provide a physical obstruction to opposition attacking players by shepherding them towards an area where they exert less influence.

  • Making off-the-ball runs into spaces down the channels and supplying crosses into the opposing penalty box.
  • Throw-ins are often assigned to full-backs.
  • Marking wingers and other attacking players.
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    What is the definition of defender?

    Windows Security (known as Windows Defender Antivirus before Windows 10 May 2020 Update, Windows Defender before Windows 10 Creators Update, or Microsoft Defender Antivirus before Windows 11) is an anti-malware component of Microsoft Windows.It was first released as a downloadable free anti-spyware program for Windows XP, and was later shipped with Windows Vista and Windows 7.