¿Cómo recargar megas en T-Mobile?
Visita Mi T-Mobile e ingresa a tu cuenta para agregar un Pase de Datos. Expande (+) la línea a la que deseas agregar el pase de datos. Selecciona Administrar datos y complementos en esa línea. Selecciona el pase de datos deseado de la lista y selecciona Continuar.
¿Cómo recuperar la contraseña de T-Mobile?
Ingresa a tu cuenta en T-Mobile.com. En la esquina superior derecha, selecciona Mi T-Mobile, luego selecciona Mi perfil. Selecciona Información del perfil. Desplázate hasta la sección Cambiar PIN , selecciona Editar.
How much is the International Data pass for Tmobile?
T-Mobile now offers new international data passes that include high-speed data and unlimited calling. There are two options: For $35 you can get 5GB of high-speed dataand unlimited calling to be used over up to 10 days For $50 you can get 15GB of high-speed dataand unlimited calling to be used over up to 30 days
What is a data pass?
Data Passes Data passes let you temporarily add high-speed data by the day or week, whenever you need it to supplement your free data or to top-up a recurring data plan. Pricing varies based on the pass you want to add.
Does T-Mobile have international high speed data?
This week T-Mobile has announced an awesome new option for getting high speed data when traveling internationally. Up until this point, T-Mobile has had three popular options for getting data abroad. All of the below plans are valid in T-Mobile’s 210+ eligible countries and destinations.
How do I add a pass to my T-Mobile account?
Access the T-Mobile App on your device. Tap ACCOUNT > ADD-ONS next to the Primary Account Holder’s line. Scroll down and tap Manage Data & Add-ons. Scroll down and select the check box next to the pass you want to add. Select Continue > Change Date to chose a start date for your pass.