Como se usa YALP Store?

¿Cómo se usa YALP Store?

Yalp Store utiliza la misma (protobuf) API que la aplicación android Play Store. Descarga apks directamente desde los servidores de Google. De forma predeterminada, Yalp Store se conecta a los servicios de Google mediante una cuenta integrada, por lo que no es necesario tener una cuenta de Google para utilizarla.

¿Qué es YALP Store?

Yalp Store te permite descargar aplicaciones de Google Play Store como archivos apk. Puede buscar actualizaciones de aplicaciones instaladas y le permite buscar otras aplicaciones. Yalp guarda los apks descargados en su carpeta de descarga predeterminada.

How to download and install yalp games on NVIDIA SHIELD TV?

Go to the app settings. Navigate to the option “Pretend to be a different device”. Select the NVIDIA Shield TV. Untick “Delete APK after installation”. Search for a free application or game in the Yalp Store. When prompted, select the option “Log in with your Google account” and enter your credentials.

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How do I download games from yalp?

Download and install it. If you own an NVIDIA Shield TV, then the process is a lot easier: Just purchase a game from your device (or search for a game you already own), go to the Yalp Store on your phone, and download it. What the Yalp Store does is pretty simple.

Can other devices run Nvidia Shield-compatible games?

NVIDIA Shield-compatible games are optimized for Nvidia Shield devices, ostensibly, and they’re only available from NVIDIA’s app marketplace or the Android TV section of the Play Store. But there’s nothing technical preventing other devices from running them.

How do I download games to my NVIDIA SHIELD TV?

If you own an NVIDIA Shield TV, then the process is a lot easier: Just purchase a game from your device (or search for a game you already own), go to the Yalp Store on your phone, and download it. What the Yalp Store does is pretty simple.